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Disable Upsampling on Encoding option

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Would be nice if you could prevent Upsampling when encoding.

Say you got YV12, then if you disable Upsampling, it would only work with YV12 or less etc.



Okay think it actually already is there, it doesn't work, it's just that Virtualdub shows it,

which is probably Virtualdubs fault, unless the Filter is seens as compatible.

RGB being on the Top.

Maybe there is and just haven't found it though?

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Upsampling is not possible during encoding, due to the fact it's not implemented in the codec. What VirtualDub is showing is the formats that the codec accepts. So for MagicYUV YUV 4:2:0, it shows "Valid pixel formats: rgb rgba YV12 YUY2 HDYC YV24" in the Video Compression codec selection dialog, which is accepted by the codec as input. Is this what you referred to by "RGB being on the Top" or something else?

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Well in a sense,

I got a YV12 video and use Fast Recompression, which i thought told Virtualdub to only check for codecs that allowed YV12 input.

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VirtualDub doesn't limit the codec selection based on the input decode format (it will error out later though when you actually try to begin the dub operation). At most it displays a message like "Couldn't find compatible format" or similar, but VirtualDub2 doesn't even do that anymore, it works completely differently (fast recompress is more or less meaningless in VirtualDub2).
