Hi! Generally I really love MagicYUV, however, I have just tested it against a PNG sequence that was basically just a few small elements moving on an otherwise transparent screen (for a motion graphics sequence). These 626 frames were roughly 65mb in size as a PNG sequence. To keep the transparency, I played it out as a YUV4444 MagicYUV AVI. This results in a 1.1GB sized AVI 🙁
Is there a way to optimize this? I'd love to have all my motion elements as lossless video files rather than PNG sequences, but this is a bit much...

There is no specific optimization for large transparent or single colored areas yet. In any case, do you have a few samples of your sequence (just so I can see what kind of material it is)? You can upload somewhere and send a link through the contact form if you want in private (or send it to info at magicyuv.com), or just here.
Hi Balázs,
sure, here's a (rather extreme) example. The shape is moving slowly through the image. flipswitchingmonkey.com/files/frame.png
90% transparency, maybe more.
It would be fantastic to get an optimization for large transparent or single colored surfaces, because apart from these transparent videos I often have to render out mask layers which also mostly are just large single colored clips.
Thanks. Compression ratio improvement for this type of material is planned after the 2.0 release is out. So that means likely after May. I plan to focus more on compression ratio improvement for the 2.x series.