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Files with lots of transparency inefficient compression

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Hi! Generally I really love MagicYUV, however, I have just tested it against a PNG sequence that was basically just a few small elements moving on an otherwise transparent screen (for a motion graphics sequence). These 626 frames were roughly 65mb in size as a PNG sequence. To keep the transparency, I played it out as a YUV4444 MagicYUV AVI. This results in a 1.1GB sized AVI 🙁

Is there a way to optimize this? I'd love to have all my motion elements as lossless video files rather than PNG sequences, but this is a bit much...

Balázs Balázs 27/03/2017 6:38 pm

There is no specific optimization for large transparent or single colored areas yet. In any case, do you have a few samples of your sequence (just so I can see what kind of material it is)? You can upload somewhere and send a link through the contact form if you want in private (or send it to info at, or just here.

3 Answers
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Hi  Balázs,

sure, here's a (rather extreme) example. The shape is moving slowly through the image.

90% transparency, maybe more.

It would be fantastic to get an optimization for large transparent or single colored surfaces, because apart from these transparent videos I often have to render out mask layers which also mostly are just large single colored clips.


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Sorry, this time as a proper link:


Thanks. Compression ratio improvement for this type of material is planned after the 2.0 release is out. So that means likely after May. I plan to focus more on compression ratio improvement for the 2.x series.