It depends on your source material. If your source is YUV 4:2:0 then it's not generally necessary to go RGB. Keep in mind that Vegas does it's inter...
Intra only.
MagicYUV has interfaces towards VFW (Video For Windows) and VLC, so one option may be to somehow pipe the ffmpeg output towards those interfaces. Th...
Try copying the magicyuv plugin folder (magicyuvplug) from VP19 FileIO Plug-Ins folder to VP20 same location, AND also the magicyuvplug.x64.fio2007-co...
Maybe it has something to do with newer macOS versions. Ultimately what the script tries to do is copy the ExporterMagicYUV.bundle and ImporterMagicYU...
@stiven Well, I can well understand why the dev of dxtory just simply disappeared. The truth is, it is insanely difficult to make a good/fast game rec...
I really dropped the ball on this one, didn't I. Sorry about it, I'll try to get it fixed ASAP.
@stiven One more question: Which version of Vegas are you using? If you use Vegas 19, then 2.3.1 should also "work", since the plugin only gets instal...
@stiven Thanks, this is helpful. The recording has dropped frames, which is kind of a special marker in the AVI file, it is an "empty" frame and most ...
You mean to compress the full 16-bit depth instead of 10/12/14?
That is strange, there is absolutely no change in the core codec between 2.3.0-2.3.2, only the Vegas plugin has been updated and even there some bugs ...
That is not going to work, as the plugin in the "x86" dir is the 32-bit VLC plugin. There must a folder "x64" next to the x86 one, you say it is not t...
Simply reinstall the codec using the installer, it will copy the correct DLL depending on VLC version and compiled VLC architecture (32/64-bit). This ...
You mentioned having an alpha channel. If you need alpha, then select MagicYUV RGBA. In any case, what is the exact error you're getting?