Estimable Member
Topics: 7 / Replies: 162
RE: MagicYUV / vMIX / Premiere&ME - video doesn't import full length

Unfortunately it could be a problem with the AVI parser of the MagicYUV Adobe plugin. AVI files can be structured in a number of different ways. More ...

5 years ago
RE: Not getting smooth playback

Yes, RGB for 2160p60 can be huge, the raw data is 3840*2160*3*60 bytes if using RGB24, ie. roughly 1,500 MB/s, which is 12 Gb/s, so yes, compressed at...

5 years ago
RE: MagicYUV / vMIX / Premiere&ME - video doesn't import full length

Hi, I presume you are importing the footage to Adobe through the MagicYUV Adobe MediaCore plugin and not through Adobe's VFW interface. At least if ...

5 years ago
RE: Help with installation

To convert your original footage to MagicYUV for editing you need to use a conversion software. VirtualDub2 is probably the easiest solution to do tha...

5 years ago
Answer to: ICM_COMPRESS_QUERY rejected due to bad header?

I treat lpbiOutput of ICM_COMPRESS_QUERY as a full description of a compressed MagicYUV format, ie. a BITMAPINFOHEADER plus additional codec data appe...

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

Regarding Rec.2020: Yes, it is a bit unfortunate how it works now. Adding Rec.2020 could also increase confusion btw, since it might give the false im...

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

The codec doesn't really care much about color spaces, especially for 10-bit+ formats. The only case where color space matters from the codec's point ...

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

OK, I'll add it then 🙂 I'll make a preview release and share it privately, so you can test first. Also, what I think might be happening with 10-bit...

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

Which card btw? Specs are important. 2160p 4:2:2 at 8-bit is: 3840*2160*2*60 bytes/sec = 1 GB/sec roughly. What does Magewell recommend for 10-bit...

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

Regarding the above, what do you see as the "source" there?

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

Got an answer from the VD2 dev, I'll post it below: To see the actual format use Video->Set custom format (current format is selected). Other f...

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

VD2 in theory should work. Though I'm pretty sure it uses the Magewell DirectShow filter, so it depends whether that can give 10-bit. Other than tha...

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

10-bit YUV 4:2:0 could be a worthwhile addition, I'll look into it. Yes, as you can see from the log the codec spends 5 ms on average compressing a ...

5 years ago
RE: Just a few questions

Hi! Well, 10-bit territory is not an easy one, there are a lot of pitfalls. A lot depends on how the host app (VirtualDub2/etc.) handles the raw pix...

5 years ago
RE: How can I use magicyuv in my our program?

The SDK is not public. It has different licensing, and is available only upon request through the website contact form.

5 years ago
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