Unfortunately it could be a problem with the AVI parser of the MagicYUV Adobe plugin. AVI files can be structured in a number of different ways. More ...
Yes, RGB for 2160p60 can be huge, the raw data is 3840*2160*3*60 bytes if using RGB24, ie. roughly 1,500 MB/s, which is 12 Gb/s, so yes, compressed at...
Hi, I presume you are importing the footage to Adobe through the MagicYUV Adobe MediaCore plugin and not through Adobe's VFW interface. At least if ...
To convert your original footage to MagicYUV for editing you need to use a conversion software. VirtualDub2 is probably the easiest solution to do tha...
I treat lpbiOutput of ICM_COMPRESS_QUERY as a full description of a compressed MagicYUV format, ie. a BITMAPINFOHEADER plus additional codec data appe...
Regarding Rec.2020: Yes, it is a bit unfortunate how it works now. Adding Rec.2020 could also increase confusion btw, since it might give the false im...
The codec doesn't really care much about color spaces, especially for 10-bit+ formats. The only case where color space matters from the codec's point ...
OK, I'll add it then 🙂 I'll make a preview release and share it privately, so you can test first. Also, what I think might be happening with 10-bit...
Which card btw? Specs are important. 2160p 4:2:2 at 8-bit is: 3840*2160*2*60 bytes/sec = 1 GB/sec roughly. What does Magewell recommend for 10-bit...
Regarding the above, what do you see as the "source" there?
Got an answer from the VD2 dev, I'll post it below: To see the actual format use Video->Set custom format (current format is selected). Other f...
VD2 in theory should work. Though I'm pretty sure it uses the Magewell DirectShow filter, so it depends whether that can give 10-bit. Other than tha...
10-bit YUV 4:2:0 could be a worthwhile addition, I'll look into it. Yes, as you can see from the log the codec spends 5 ms on average compressing a ...
Hi! Well, 10-bit territory is not an easy one, there are a lot of pitfalls. A lot depends on how the host app (VirtualDub2/etc.) handles the raw pix...
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