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Topics: 7 / Replies: 162
RE: Any way to trandcode MagicYUV with Handbrake or another tool?

Ha, that's funny, if that really fixed it 🙂 Anyway, thx.

8 years ago
RE: Any way to trandcode MagicYUV with Handbrake or another tool?

That is great to hear! Do you have a link to the fix, and what was the core of the issue?

8 years ago
Answer to: MagicYUV 10bit YUV 4.2.2 use in Avisynth 2.6 MT

Hi, Did you try AvisynthPlus? It has proper 10bit+ color depth support and no longer requires the stacked hack. Support for a number of 10bit+ pixel f...

8 years ago
Answer to: Files with lots of transparency inefficient compression

Thanks. Compression ratio improvement for this type of material is planned after the 2.0 release is out. So that means likely after May. I plan to foc...

8 years ago
RE: Files with lots of transparency inefficient compression

There is no specific optimization for large transparent or single colored areas yet. In any case, do you have a few samples of your sequence (just so ...

8 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 10835
RE: Amazing Codec

Hi, Thanks for your comments, glad it works nicely for you. In the general case, recording gameplay is usually sufficient using the YUV 4:2:0 variant ...

8 years ago
RE: Magix Movie Edit Pro

Yes, most pro editing software only accept/request RGB from codecs (including Magix Movie Edit, Vegas, Adobe After Effects, etc.), so the codec must d...

8 years ago
RE: Magix Movie Edit Pro

That is strange. I assume you use version 2.0.0rc1 of the codec? Does it load in any other software (like VirtualDub, Media Player, etc. with the gree...

8 years ago
RE: Any way to trandcode MagicYUV with Handbrake or another tool?

No, PMs are not possible yet 🙂 It's a rather new forum engine, I think it's cool, but some features are obviously missing. They say it'll be added ve...

8 years ago
RE: Any way to trandcode MagicYUV with Handbrake or another tool?

Oh well, guess it'll be mega then 🙂 I actually bought a month of mega for getting the stuff from Cloudstrifeff7, but even then it sometimes dropped...

8 years ago
RE: Any way to trandcode MagicYUV with Handbrake or another tool?

About the support situation regarding Dxtory: it's impossible to reach anyone there (developer that is), no answer either on the forums or through dir...

8 years ago
RE: Any way to trandcode MagicYUV with Handbrake or another tool?

The best would be through Google drive or something similar. But please don't use mega, it's a pain to download from there. If you don't have enough c...

8 years ago
RE: Any way to trandcode MagicYUV with Handbrake or another tool?

To add some info here: Bandicam corrupts the AVI index over a certain size, more here:/p> Dxtory should work fine in general, I haven't had any report...

8 years ago
RE: RGB32 (Bottom-up)?

On Windows, uncompressed RGB32/RGB24 images are normally stored upside down (or bottom-up) in memory, unlike YUV images which are stored "normally" (t...

8 years ago
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